Bochum, Dortmund
Praktikant (m/w/d) PR & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit RADAR sucht eine/n PR-Praktikant:in für Kunden wie PAROOKAVILLE, San Hejmo Festival, Zeltfestival Ruhr u.v.m. Du brauchst für die Ausbildung oder Hochschule
bofrost* Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG
Duisburg, Straelen, Home Office
Qualität und dem exzellenten Service sind es vor allem unsere Mitarbeitenden, die unsere mehr als 55-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte ausmachen. Wir suchen ab sofort – befristet für 18 Monate – einen Volontär (m/w/d) Bereich Corporate Communications
FEhS Institut für Baustoff Forschung e.V.
. In unseren Büros und Laboren tummeln sich nicht nur Experten verschiedener Fachrichtungen. Wir geben auch bei Kommunikation, Public Affairs und Veranstaltungen Gas. Und sind überall dabei, wo es um Ressourcenschonung, Klimaschutz
Duales Studium – IU Internationale Hochschule
Dualer Bachelor Kommunikation & PR Du jonglierst gerne mit Wörtern, bist kreativ und kontaktfreudig? Dann braucht die Kommunikationsbranche genau Dich! Im dualen Studium Kommunikation & PR beschäftigst
IU Internationale Hochschule
Bochum, Dortmund, Bonn, Aachen, Kassel, Hannover, Braunschweig, Erfurt, Kiel, Freiburg/Breisgau, Chemnitz, Home Office
Du träumst von einer Karriere als Kommunikations-Profi? Verwirkliche Deine Ziele mit einem dualen Studium Kommunikation & PR. Starte Dein duales Studium im Januar, April, Juli oder im Oktober – direkt am Campus vor Ort
MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Bottrop, Oberhausen
in Bottrop eine überzeugende Persönlichkeit als Werkstudent (m/w/d) Marketing/PR Durch eine strukturierte Einarbeitung wirst Du mit verschiedenen Aufgaben des Tagesgeschäftes vertraut gemacht. • Bei crossmedialen
MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Bottrop, Oberhausen
in Bottrop eine überzeugende Persönlichkeit als Werkstudent (m/w/d) Marketing/PR Durch eine strukturierte Einarbeitung wirst Du mit verschiedenen Aufgaben des Tagesgeschäftes vertraut gemacht. • Bei crossmedialen
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM
E.ON Energy Markets GmbH
preparing adequate communication topics, writing PR texts and press releases as well as FAQ documents and developing language guidelines. - You are a reliable communication partner and work very closely with the management of EEM